Just Bananas About: Week of 4/15/13

It’s been over a year since the first season of  Ten.  Now it’s finally back!  I’m partly frustrated and partly intrigued by the mystery while being impressed that the drama was able to pull me back in despite not getting the answers I wanted.  Yes, you read that right.  We don’t get the answers we want.  (Warning!  Spoilers ahead.)

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[Review] Ten – 텐


A former detective and current police academy professor leads a group of investigators in a special crime unit called “Ten”.  They solve cases that have less than 10% rate of arrest.

I’ll be honest.  I saw the teaser and had no desire to watch Ten nor did I even bother to retain the name of the drama.  But then a friend alerted me to it and I decided to give it a second look.  I’m glad I did (Thanks, Nik!).  What I found was a gritty, police crime drama/thriller that is just as intriguing as the American and British dramas.

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