End of the Year TV Report (2013): Part 1

Oy, I know I’m so late in writing this but I do have a reason (or excuse) of sorts.  You can read that below when I sum up the year.  For now, it’s time to assess all the moments that caused some serious swooning, nail-biting and eye rolling K-Drama moments.  Here is a list of dramas that I’ve watch which have completed in 2013.

The rating system goes:

Must Watch – So good that it hurts to let go.
Watch – Enjoyable
Just OK – Not bad but not great.
If you’re bored – Could be downgraded to Pass at any moment but worked well as background noise.
Pass – Pissed off that I wasted my time.

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Late Spring TV Report (2013)


It hasn’t been too long since my last TV rundown but there are so many new shows that it was about time.  Just a note about my American shows: I’m a bit behind on quite a few shows.  I noted them where possible but there are some shows where I’m even a month behind.  It’s been a busy, busy spring.  However, I’m more likely to sacrifice sleep for an addicting show rather than stay up for a mediocre one.

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Just Bananas About: Week of 4/15/13

It’s been over a year since the first season of  Ten.  Now it’s finally back!  I’m partly frustrated and partly intrigued by the mystery while being impressed that the drama was able to pull me back in despite not getting the answers I wanted.  Yes, you read that right.  We don’t get the answers we want.  (Warning!  Spoilers ahead.)

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